What you get with Cortexhost
The best way to host your own AI models. Or choose from ready-made models.
GDPR compliant & EU-only servers
Our servers and AI infrastructure are located in the EU. The infrastructure is fully GDPR compliant and does not store any data outside of the EU.
Dedicated GPU (Servers)
Harness the power of dedicated GPU servers for your heavy AI workloads. We offer the best GPU servers (like the H100) with pre-installed AI frameworks and all the tools you need to work with AI. Fully accessible or managed.
ChatGPT alternatives
We offer ready-to-use, powerful open-source ChatGPT alternatives for maximum privacy. You can also host your own AI models on our servers.
Plug-and-play AI infrastructure
Simply choose what you need and get started. No need to worry about the technical details. We take care of everything for you. (However we also offer full access via API)
No technical knowledge required
Contact us and let us set up your complete desired AI infrastructure with the ChatGPT alternatives of your choice that best suit your needs.
Internet knowledge base
All ChatGPT alternatives can be set up with a real time internet knowledge base and can provide url sources and knows what happens around the world in real time.
Whether you want to be GDPR compliant or independent of Big Tech and have 100% control of your employees' and customers' data. Contact us to get access to a dedicated server with the model of your choice.
Empower your employees and customers with privacy-first AI assistance.
Cortexhost is currently in beta. Be among the first to be notified when Cortexhost is released to the public.